Lessons learned during times of uncertainty – Time to change habits

As I look back over time, it seems like there are two types of organizations/teams:

1)     Those that have developed a proactive approach to life in all areas. They understand the value of planning, assessing multiple outcomes, risk, place a high value on their health, surround themselves with a circle of influence (people smarter than they are), they are curious and life long learners (they want to be better than yesterday) and they see “opportunities” as opposed to “chaos/problems”.

2)     The opposite of those in group #1 above, which in my opinion is a very large group and percentage of the overall population in the United States.

I thought about this recently as I went back through my life/career and all I have learned along the way from so many great mentors, teammates, coaches, parents/wife and being attracted to “problem companies/clients/situations”, below is a laundry list of those that come to mind:

·       Contingency and risk planning take’s time, but it pays dividends many times over in times of chaos/crisis (don’t believe me, ask anyone today that doesn’t do this if they are in great shape or not!). There is a high sense of urgency right now and the ability to make good, calm, strategic decisions will make or break many individuals/companies.

·       It is great practice to use a “think tank or team approach” to problem solving (at all times, but even more so now”. The best leaders/mentors I have been around have built teams of experts (internal and external) and that is their greatest character trait (finding great people, building great teams and providing them what they need to be great).

A long-time friend of mine recently told me “that individuals and companies need to find more Sherpa’s to help them!”. Visualize how a Sherpa is used to help those climb Mount Everest, they are advisors, subject matter experts, humble, committed and of the highest level of character/integrity. Do you have any Sherpa’s on your team or circle of influence?

·       Your physical (mental) well being is a habit that should be a top priority (if not the TOP priority each day). It is a habit/investment in yourself, your family, your teams, so you can be your best at all times (i.e. people in this group do not talk about motivation or discipline, they talk about daily habits/goals that happen rain or shine, chaos or calm!). 

·       Your teams and organizations are going to experience significant changes. These are opportunities to assess every part of your business and ask simple questions like:

a)     What methods/policies/procedures do we use that are no longer relevant/effective?

b)    If you had to start your company today, would you have the same people on your teams?

c)     Do we have external subject matter experts we can call in/on to help provide independent, unbiased assessments/solutions?

A mentor once told me “you need to think differently and ask for advice from others, because the group/team/methods used to this point will not likely be the same that take you to the future”

·       The greatest solutions typically are those you have never considered

Think about your current mindset/team, do you have people challenging the status quo, pushing the boundaries, bringing ideas that are met with “that will never work, we have never done that, that is a crazy idea!”. This is another reason to assess your team and use of external advisors, that will say “what people need to hear as opposed to what they want to hear”.

The country and businesses have faced many, many types of crisis/chaos over the last 100 years and we do get through it (but not every business will get through it!) as individuals/businesses.

The question to ask yourself or your teams/organizations is this:

·       Are you in group #1 above or group #2?

These are times of opportunity if you are in group #1, if you are not, you can get there (just don’t wait too long).

We at Victory Strategies are a team of individuals that are uniquely capable, ready and willing to help you or your teams on a moments notice. We have collectively seen chaos/crisis in many different environments and thrive in these environments.

Time is of the essence, please reach out and let us be part of your team.

Authored By: Dave Phillips, President