Staying Active When The World Wants You Lazy

Interesting times these days, as our response to COVID- 19 is pushing us into isolation from one another. I am a big fan of less is more when to comes to select extended family and high resource low return business ideas.

But, more is more, is likely what most of us need over the next month. More understanding, contemplation, reflection, journaling, STEM study, and personal health efforts via fitness movement and a nutrition regime. Nothing like forced adversity to see what you’re made of. It’s a huge opportunity that we get to evaluate our current individual flow and chop of life. It’s unprecedented that we have the opening to show up significantly better, both physically and “between our ears” when the nation is fully back and open for business. 

Man I’d love to be a fly on a wall with the naysayers who in prior times wrongly proclaimed, “never work from home, I need to see my employees punch a clock” and now sees his or her company staying alive remotely. Equally we must beware of the soon to be, “all we have to do from now on is work from home and never go in the office again”, individual. They are also wrong; need I remind everyone of how video games have weakened a significant portion of a couple of generations of young males via its isolation? Blue Collar talent pools have been depleted to critical levels. Science and Engineering students are not life balanced hindering their full potential. 

Every geography, industry, company and employee must have human contact; engagement with each other at close distance working things out, making things better, building something of need for all our own individual proper life satisfaction. Moderation in all things will never stop being the baseline norm for life’s homeostasis. And then there is modernization that is growing at a rate never seen before. 

The worst thing that can happen is, we have a continued isolation from each other. 

Growth happens when you work on what you’re not good at in life while simultaneously keeping up with what you are good at. We must always work on our attitude, competencies, health and performance of tasks. That is not easy, especially when life moves as fast as it seems to do for so many. There is much more life chop out there than flow in life. 

Do you see this slow down as a gift? You Should! You must reflect on how your best times came to be. 

We have all had it before. Amazing flow. It is that wonderful tangible feeling of balance and managed escalation of life progress. So here you are, in your new moments of down time, you can wisely spend a portion of your day evaluating where you have been and where you are going. Plans for change in attitude, effort, and new skills must be developed. Processes and moments that are right for you, must be prioritized and placed as milestones in your out months and years.

This to shall pass, and we will soon get after it again.  

Specifically for your business – are you digital yet? You better be soon or you will be out of business in 5 years. PO’s, invoices, AP/AR functions, job scheduling, job close out forms and photos between your clients and vendors are here and will be required for the majority very soon. It’s not enough to have your devices connected, you must collect all the data from your devices, have it secure, be able to seamlessly transfer select portions of it and build algorithms where predictions and change can be achieved. 

Equal to a small businesses not having enough cash on hand for a pandemic, the bulk are also ill prepared for digital with their legacy workforce, piecemeal IT and antiquated accounting processes. All of your IT: computers, servers, web, routers, software, mobile, cloud, apps, tablets must be resourced together in order for you to survive what the future world of business looks like.

In my former DoD duty we had to deal with this. Command and Control facilities and systems advanced rapidly. We needed to push a Common Operation Picture out to the end user devices on the X of kinetic battle. Enemy tracking, decisions, movement functions, secure voice and chat room comms, weather, time on station calculations, asset allocation, CASEVAC and many other information overlays are all items, that for the safety and efficiency of the force, their situational awareness needed to be accurate and real time. They also needed to feed into reconstitution of assets and resources in preparation for the next most dangerous and/or likely mission. DoD’s profit is measured in readiness. It has made and continues to make significant upgrades in hardware/software interface enabling the human user. 

This new and future tech is not a contradiction to human engagement. It allows for better human interaction, efficiency and creativity when used right. Imagine if our portable device and social media infrastructure was not as robust as it is current day, what would our national pandemic response look like? 

The time is now for strategic planning to develop and outline your future operational processes and needs, that can be tactically executed across all the complex aspects of your business. At Victory Strategies, we got your back. Our team can evaluate any problem you have and give you a timeline and milestones for financial, process, operations, tech, logistics and HR execution.

Put us to the test – Corona doesn’t scare us, we have seen its equal and have come out on the other side better than before. 

There is never an appropriate time for inaction, even when the world is pushing us that way.  We are here to help you fight for survival.

Authored By: Joesph Barnard, Director