Protecting your IP: Why you should give a DAM

Protecting your IP: Why you should give a DAM

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed with a cascade of photos, videos, and documents spread across your phone, tablets and computer, you’re not alone. I’ve been working with a high-volume of data for many years as a TV reporter and photojournalist and I’m constantly…

Seek Commitment over Compliance

Seek Commitment over Compliance

The first slide boldly asked, “Are you committed to our company?” This was one of the first questions I was asked during my onboarding in one of my first post-military jobs. I had just completed committing 25+ years of my life and my family’s life to the United States Air Force. We were no strangers to the dedication this lifestyle required to…

Plan or Strategy – Short-Term Gain or Long-Term Pain?

Plan or Strategy – Short-Term Gain or Long-Term Pain?

Does your organization have a plan or a strategy? Does the plan apply to the strategy you developed? Does it even matter? Leaders conflate these terms and important organizational leadership tools to the detriment of their teams. Corporate graveyards are littered with…

The Unspoken Superpower In Business

The Unspoken Superpower In Business

In a world where many Navy SEALs and other seasoned professionals separate from the military or their past careers and choose a path of executive coaching, motivational speaking, or searching for a paid corporate board position…

Mange the email monster and make more time for personal connections

Mange the email monster and make more time for personal connections

We each have our own “special” relationship with email. That relationship can change over time with each message and the volume of emails both sent and received. Nonetheless, email is a fact of business and professional life, and therefore we must learn to manage email and not have email manage us. In a recent study about email, 86% of professionals say that emails are their preferred method of communication. That same study concluded that, on average, each person checks their email over…

Developing your leadership philosophy and team expectations

Developing your leadership philosophy and team expectations

The question came at me unexpectedly. I was in a pre-command course learning the roles and responsibilities the U.S. Air Force expects of its squadron commanders. “What is your leadership philosophy and expectations of your unit?”

Everyone Has a Plan… and then, Boom.

Everyone Has a Plan… and then, Boom.

Before his bout with Evander Holyfield, a reporter asked Mike Tyson if he was concerned about his opponent’s plan for the fight. Mr. Tyson famously responded, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” Everyone chuckled. I chuckled and went about my business. Then I got “punched in the mouth.”

Preparation is Overrated

Preparation is Overrated

Alright, I confess, the title is there to grab your attention…sort of. You see, while there are many adages and clever quotes devoted to the topic of preparation, very little is mentioned about the importance of what successful individuals and teams do afterwards; post-event rituals and…

Leadership is about relationships, not power

Leadership is about relationships, not power

I really like Stephan Pastis’ comic strip “Pearls Before Swine” because it’s clever and funny when he isn’t making horrible puns. The strip has it’s main characters like Goat, Rat, and Pig but there are some other characters that occasionally make an appearance like The Wise Ass on the Hill. The character is, you guessed it, the proverbial wise person sitting on a hill dispensing wisdom to those willing to make the journey. The insights from the Wise Ass are normally enough to make me smile though I occasionally cringe because he hits too close to home.

Goal Setting vs Trend Setting

Goal Setting vs Trend Setting

We hear it all the time from our family, friends, and peers. What are your goals? Did you succeed? Even better, what about their reactions to our answers. “Whoa, that’s quite ambitious of you,” and in doing so, planting the seed of doubt that our eyes might be bigger than our stomach.



Early in military service, leaders teach and reinforce the concept of service members showing up to the right place, at the right time, in the right uniform, with a good attitude. This simple method of discipline is so essential to an effective (note not efficient) military organization that it is universal across initial training. In many cases, instructors…

Gratitude and Appreciation: Force Multipliers

Gratitude and Appreciation: Force Multipliers

This article tells no grand story of leadership failure or triumph. It has no references to a Harvard Business School article, the latest leadership book, or other conventional sources. Instead, this writing aims to share…

Dare to Succeed.

Dare to Succeed.

In today’s world we are obsessed with winning; we love to celebrate success: parades for world champions, news interviews for medalists, top stories on award winners - the list goes on and on. Turn on the news or ESPN and you will find…