Value Your Journey

Growing up, I was fortunate enough to have two loving parents who valued the education, experience, and quality time that came from traveling as a family.

Truth is, if my parents weren’t travelers- I wouldn’t exist.

My father moved to Israel when he was 18 years old. He landed on a Kibbutz (a communal settlement in Israel, typically a farm) located on the Sea of Galilee. After serving in the Israeli Defense Forces, he believed he would call Israel home forever.

My mother was born and raised in Denmark. She decided to volunteer to work and live on a Kibbutz for a few months through a program her and some friends had discovered.

Yup, you guessed it.

My mom landed on the same Kibbutz as my father. After meeting for the first time my father asked my mother to marry him on their first date.

She said no…

But a few months later said, yes!

They moved back to the United States, got married, had three children, and began their journey to embody the American Dream.

I share this story on how my parents met because I believe it to be one of the main reasons they have such a passion for traveling as a family. They know the value in the memories created. It’s a part of their story, and it continues to be a part of our family’s story to this day.

Many people would argue that the most important thing in life is Family. Though I agree, I would take it one step further and say memories with family are the most important things in life.

If your time on earth was to come to an end tomorrow, would you be filled with reminiscing or regret?

I urge you to take a pause today and reflect on what is important to you.

Let go of the little worries and concerns and focus on what truly matters…living your life and building memories with the ones you love.


Time isn’t guaranteed.

Authored By: Jacob Werksman, CEO

Jacob Werksman

After completing high school, Jacob deferred his acceptance to the United States Naval Academy to enlist in the United States Navy and shorten the length of time it would take to become a US Navy SEAL. After completing Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL (BUD/S) training, Jacob was one of the youngest members to be assigned to SEAL TEAM 2 in Virginia Beach, VA at the age of 20 years old. During his time in service, he was able to simultaneously achieve his Bachelors Degree in Organizational Leadership with a 4.0 GPA from the University of Charleston at West Virginia. Jacob is going to be attending Harvard Business School’s Program for Leadership Development and is currently pursuing a Master’s in Business Administration from the Mason School of Business at The College of William and Mary.

Throughout Jacob's career as a Navy SEAL Team Leader/Lead Sniper, he has completed 2 deployments overseas in support of combating human-trafficking, drug-trafficking, and terrorism threats world wide. Jacob has worked with governments and militaries of 11 foreign countries throughout his military career. As a Navy SEAL Sniper Team Leader, Jacob has managed teams as large as 54 US Navy SEALS in extremely high-risk situations overseas.