Staying Active When The World Wants You Lazy

Staying Active When The World Wants You Lazy

Interesting times these days, as our response to COVID- 19 is pushing us into isolation from one another. I am a big fan of less is more when to comes to select extended family and high resource low return business ideas.

The Art of Recognition

The Art of Recognition

Remember the last time you received a real authentic compliment and how you felt? Hopefully it hasn’t been so long that you’ve forgotten! And by this, I mean receiving real praise – thoughtful and heartfelt, delivered in a…

Uncomfortable Leadership

Uncomfortable Leadership

Top performers often get a pass on the "little things." My first failure as a leader taught me a humbling lesson that is relevant to this day. It was nearly 20 years ago, and I was…

Principle Based Decision Making: What is Your ‘True North’?

Principle Based Decision Making: What is Your ‘True North’?

Have you noticed that some people that are otherwise capable leaders with a past record of solid achievement, struggle with decisions? Perhaps their decisions, taken as a whole, or as body of work, do not seem aligned or consistent, leaving their teams…

70% Comfortable, 100% Committed.

70% Comfortable, 100% Committed.

In our daily lives, both professionally and personally, how many times do we hear the phrase “I’m all in”?  The inference here is that one is fully committed, in total agreement, has unwavering support.  It that what we really see as a result?

Mindfulness and Chronic Pain Management

Mindfulness and Chronic Pain Management

Recently I had the opportunity to attend a pain management clinic. I've got the usual aches and pains that come with putting in some good "mileage" and I wanted to learn how to physically deal with them better. Turns out physically dealing with pain is one tool - but dealing with the pain with a mindful eye can make a much more dramatic difference in how one feels.